Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well. Today is Writing Wednesday. Remember that writing takes lots of concentration so take lots of breaks in between activities and get outside for some fresh air and exercise too.
Writing letters.
Go on to Doorway Online and practise your letter formation. You can practise lower case and capital letters.
Complete the “Capital Letters” activity on Seesaw. Write the capital letter next to the lower- case letter. Remember that all capital letters sit on the line and are big and tall.
Here is a fun way to learn some of your capital letters. Follow this link to sing along.
This link shows you how to make capital letters with twigs. Perhaps you could make your initials or even your full name. This will help get the shape of the letters in to your head.
Writing words
Can you remember how to spell the tricky words from last week? Check to see, and if you can, move on to this week’s list. There are quite a few difficult words, so choose 2 or 3 words to begin with. Remember to make them in as many different ways as you can. This will help you learn them. Have fun writing them in sand, salt, shaving foam, on the path, in earth, in the air or on someone’s back with your finger. You can make them with playdough, magnetic letters, stones, leaves etc. How many different ways can you make these words? Show me on Seesaw. Look, cover, write and check to see if you have learned them.
Try the “Dictation” activity on Seesaw. Listen carefully to the words and sentences that I say and write them on the template provided or in your jotters. Pause the recording whenever you need to. I would like to see what you can do on your own today.
Story- "Eat Your Peas"
Listen to the story “Eat Your Peas” on YouTube.
We have learned that there are different ways to make the “ee” sound. Find the “ea” sound in the title of the story. How is it written? Complete the different “ee” sound activities on Seesaw. There is one that focuses on “ee”, another on “ea” and then the final one is a mixture of the two.
Make a vegetable/fruit monster
Build your very own monster. Take a photograph and send it to me. Write a bit about your monster. What is its name? What does it eat? Where does it sleep? Does it get up to any mischief? Remember to write in sentences. (Keep some fruit for Friday’s science experiments please!!)
Dice Game- ee sound
Play the “Roll and Read Dice Game” for more sounding out practice with the sound “ee”. This is an activity on Seesaw.
Please remember that I do not expect you to complete all of these activities. Choose the ones that you feel are right for you and your family and remember to share your learning with me on Seesaw.
Have another great day. The sun is meant to shine so enjoy the lovely weather!
Missing you all.
Mrs Dowie