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Writing Wednesday

Hello Primary 6. Today is Writing Wednesday and we are going to focus on editing.

Before you begin todays task, I would like you to complete all buddy tasks.

I have given you a choice of 10 story starters. I am looking for you to create your own story with a focus on editing.

I want you to check over your story for punctuation (capital letters, full stops, commas, speech marks) and spelling errors.

When you have completed your writing piece, I want you to either use WORD on a laptop/computer/device, reading aloud to a family member or re-reading aloud to yourself half an hour after completing the writing piece. This will give you a break away from the writing and a fresh mind to look over it and edit.

You will know your own ability in writing and how far to challenge yourself, but I am looking for no less than two paragraphs. I know that a lot of you will want to write more than this which is great as it gives you more to edit and more for me to enjoy reading!

Check out this video to support you in the editing process…

I have added an image of a checklist - you can use this to ensure you have covered all areas of the editing process.

Ten Story Starters
  1. I heard the music as I entered the room, but all that was there was a violin, lay there on it's back on the bare floorboards.
  1. It was the day the moon fell. 
  2. Something called - away in the distance.  "Climb on quick!" She commanded...
  1. Cold and wet, tired and exhausted she made her way along the path through the forest. 
  2. Everything stopped, everything a statue all around me. Frozen in time. 
  3. "Help me!" Help me!" Came the call from behind the steel door. 
  4. "Welcome to the future!" said the teacher as she removed the sheet with a flourish revealing what had been hidden beneath. 
  5. It moved, why was it moving?  That should not have been moving, well not on it's own anyway. 
  6. I hadn't seen the door before.  It wasn't there last night.  Cautiously, I turned the handle.
  7. She scratched her face from the photograph. 

I am looking forward to reading your writing! 

Mrs Barrett