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Joke - What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?

Answer: The C !!!

Thinking Thursday – Literacy Focus, Spelling

Task 1: https://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/activities/speller/

Spelling – Today you are going to practise some spelling. I would like you to follow the link above and it will take you to ‘doorway speller.’ You can adjust this learning tool to suit your spelling ability. 

You can work through as many categories as you wish – please ensure that you are challenging yourself. 

Task 2:

When you have found a spelling list that challenges you, I would like you to find the definitions of these words and send your work to me.

Task 3:

You are going to create sentences with the words from your spelling list, this will allow you to put the word into context. 

Extension Task:

I would like you to create a word search with your chosen spelling list. I will try these out and so might your peers. You can write your words vertically, horizontally, diagonally and backwards! 

You can use the graph paper I posted for Maths Monday’s work as a template for your word search. 

Further Challenge:

If you feel you require more challenge today, I would like you to insert your chosen spelling words into a short story, try to use your memory when trying to spell out the words! 

Happy Spelling!
Mrs Barrett