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Thinking Thursday (Literacy Focus)enlightened

(they are very tasty!)

Hello lovely people, today is the last day of the school week as we are off tomorrow! I hope you all enjoy the long weekend! laugh

Today is Thinking Thursday and we are going to have a listening and talking focus. 

I would like you to access the link below and watch the video all about presentations.


I would like you all to create a presentation about something you are interested in. This must be appropriate for your audience, which will be me! Please think carefully about what you choose. 

Your presentation must last no longer than 3 minutes and no less than 1 minute 30 seconds. 

Success Criteria:
The three areas which you are going to focus on during your presentation are:

Preparation – Please ensure you have prepared your presentation by making notes and practising these, so you know what you are talking about. 

Body Language – This includes good eye contact, facing the audience and a clear voice. 

Concise information – Make sure you keep your information short and informative. Too much information can allow the audience (I am your audience!) to switch off. 

Your presentation will be videoed! By carrying out this task you are learning a skill for life. When you are at the age of looking for a job many companies look for an online interview. You will have already had experience from creating this presentation and talking to the camera. 

I am open to how you present (you may want to use a poster or power point presentation to support your talking) however you must adhere to the success criteria above – PREPERATION, BODY LANGUAGE and CONCISE INFORMATION

If you have any questions, I’ll be available on Teams and Email throughout the day! 

Enjoy today’s task and practise in front of your family before creating the final piece! 

Technology – If you are unable to video/voice record can you please present to a family member and get them to answer the following questions: - 
  • Did the presenter introduce their topic fully?
  • Did the presenter use good eye contact?
  • Did the presenter face their audience?
  • Was their information clear and concise?
  • Were they prepared?
  • If used, were the supporting resources useful/beneficial?
  • Any additional comments?

Mrs Barrett