Riddle – The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
Bonjour! Today is ‘Thinking Thursday’
Today you are going to use thinking skills in your literacy work

Task 1-
I have attached a word document which has 13 questions for you to choose from. I would like you to choose 7 out of the 13 to write about. You will use your thinking skills to answer the questions fully without using the internet or information books to help you. I want you to make your brain work today in the way of ‘thinking.’ A good way to do this is to use your creative thinking skills and critical thinking skills. I am not looking for a right or wrong answer I am looking for you to extend your thinking and be creative!
Task 2-
Questioning skills.
I want you to create three questions that will make a family member use their creative and critical thinking skills. You can use some higher order thinking questions to do this. You do not want to receive a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer as this has shown they’ve not had to deeply think about the answer.
Here are some question stems to help you –
What is your opinion of…..?
Assess the value or importance of….?
Would it be better if…?
How would you rate the….?
What judgement would you make about…?
How would you compare…?
Task 3-
I would like you to read

Can you give me a couple of sentences about what you have chosen to read?
To show me you have engaged with reading today -
I want you to read in a really strange place and send in a photograph! Let’s see who can find the strangest place! This is going to be interesting as with lock down there aren’t many places to go but be as creative as you can! Good Luck!

I hope you enjoy your Thinking Tasks for today and I’ll speak to you through emails and Teams,
Mrs Barrett