Good morning everyone. I hope you made the most of the lovely weather yesterday. I know that some of you were doing your keep fit outside. Do your star jumps, runs, steps and skips again today and try to beat the scores you got yesterday! A big thank you to the children who let me know what they would like to learn about in our “Under the Sea” topic over the next few weeks. I will fit your ideas in to my plans. Anyone that did not get the chance to do this yesterday then send me a post just as soon as you can.
Here are your numeracy and literacy activities for today which I will post over on Seesaw.
Mental maths.
- Count on in 2s and 10s
- Start at any number and add 10. Eg 5 add 10 is 15, 13 add 10 is 23. We did a little bit of work on this in school and learned that when we add 10 the answer is the number under the one that we start with. Use a number square to 100 to help with this.
- Positional language
- Capital Letter Symmetry
- Place Value Puzzles.
We will continue to have a writing focus on Wednesday.
- Write out a fruit and vegetable alphabet
for cucumber etc
- Use the “Sight and Sound Writing Prompts” that I have posted on Seesaw. Choose the picture you want to write about and imagine that you are there. Remember to write in sentences.
- Handwriting- write out the days of the week in your neatest writing.
I look forward to seeing all your posts later today.
Take care.
Mrs Dowie