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Primary 1A     Fun Friday
Here we are at the end of another week. I have really enjoyed sharing all your posts and can see that you are all keeping busy and working hard on your school activities.

Here are some literacy and numeracy activities for you to try today or even over the long weekend.

Make an alphabet poster or an alphabet book using your hand prints! Use different coloured paint to make hand prints. Turn them round and add bits to them to make them in to animals, shapes and objects to represent every letter of the alphabet. You could just draw round your hands too. This would be a lovely thing to keep as a memory of lockdown and we could share them with the Nursery children who are going to be starting P1 after the summer holidays, as part of their transition. Don’t forget to do the writing underneath.  Have fun! The picture might give you a helping hand!!

Education City
Log on to Education City and have fun playing these interactive games. I have set up 3 activities for you to look at under “Friday 29th May”. (Hopefully!!)
  • Phonics Dictionary
  • Sound it Out
  • Finishing Digraphs

Watch BBC Bitesize “Counting in Pairs” for some more practice on counting in 2s and the days of the week.

Have a go at designing a marble maze using Lego. The link below will give you some tips.


Use a pack of playing cards to make up some adding sums. Add 2,3 or even 4 cards together. Read your number sentence to a grown up. Write your number sentence out.

There are no specific templates posted on Seesaw for today but I would still love you to share what you get up to. I can’t wait to see what ideas you come up with for your alphabet books. Get all the family involved!

If you want a little laugh today have a look at some funny photographs over on the school Facebook page!

Have a wonderful, long weekend everyone and let’s hope the sun keeps shining! (Holiday Monday and Inservice Day Tuesday)

I will see you back here on Wednesday morning.

Stay safe everyone and keep smiling.
Mrs Dowie