Monday 29th June
Happy Monday!
Welcome to your last ever week in P7 and at Markinch Primary School!!
I can’t believe we are here but know that I have had such a great time with you guys this year. I am going to miss you all.
Even though it is the last week, there will be daily tasks and grids this week. We will have a goodbye TEAMS meeting on Thursday. I will let you know the time for this.
Here are the Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today!
Numearcy task  li – co-ordinates
This week I am just going to give you lots of different tasks. Today I am going to give you some co-ordinate tasks for you to do. You can do them all, just one… it is up to you!
There is a poster to remind you of how to read the co-ordinates.

Literacy Task – li – finger spelling
Finger spelling is part of British sign language. This is a language used by people who are deaf or have difficulty talking.
Use the finger spelling poster to help you complete the task. If for any reason the task doesn’t work you can spell the names of the people who live in your house or football players names or items around the school for example.

Remember to always be the best version of yourself!                                
 Miss C 😊