Writing Wednesday – 29.4.20
Today we are looking at story settings.
Have you ever wanted to explore a story? Perhaps you would like to visit the Chocolate Factory with Charlie, ride a polar bear in the frozen North with Lyra or travel to Middle-earth’s Lonely Mountain with Bilbo Baggins?
First, read the two PDF eatracts from The Explorer and The Wolf Wilder. One of them is on second app post.
If you find this a bit tricky, ask someone to read it with you.
Now, list what you know about the story setting of these extracts. What are the things that make the setting exciting to explore?
Then, invent your own story setting and write about it as if you are setting the scene for a novel. For today, you don’t have to have lots of characters in your story and there will not be a beginning, middle and end, as such.
You can think about:
• Location- What kind of atmosphere does the place have? Scary, funny, exciting? Is the setting a ‘real’ place or fantasy, or a combination of both? Or is the setting historical?
• Climate -Is it a hot or cold place? Will you need to wear special clothes? You might need a costume! What will the weather be like? Maybe the story is set in space!
• Transport- How will visitors get there? If it’s a different place in time, you might need a time machine. If the story is set in space, you might need a rocket. Or maybe they’ll travel by horse and cart! Is there a special way to explore the world you’re visiting? Maybe you’ll have to travel by umbrella!
• Attractions= Are there different attractions that could be visited? For example, if you went to Hogwarts you might like to visit Hogsmeade and the Shrieking Shack. Or if you went to Dream Country you might want to see the dream jars. Is there anywhere that should be avoided if it’s dangerous?
• Things to do- What can you do while you’re there? Ride a dragon with Horrendous Hiccup or go on a motorbike with Gangsta Granny? Or maybe race through the jungle with Mowgli and Baloo the Bear?
• Food What food could you expect to eat when you get there? Are there places to eat? Will you be able to eat the food or is it dangerous? Maybe you could try Willy Wonka’s everlasting gobstoppers or have a picnic with The Famous Five?
Yesterday’s Riddle- It was a lie!!
Today’s joke:
Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
It was in tents.
Today’s Riddle:
What can be taken before you can get it?
I’m looking forward to visiting all of your amazing settings while I’m stuck at home.
Mrs T x