Friday- 28.5.20
Next week, we are into June- scary!! Remember Monday is a school holiday, and Tuesday is an in-sevice day so you have a long weekend ahead! Today we are going to try looking at some outdoor maths which you could try when you are outside with your family for your daily exercise.
Numeracy and Maths
Try to spot any 3D shapes when outdoors, explore their properties and report back in your jotter. If you have digital cameras or tablets, you could even get take photos and present the information in a PowerPoint or poster.
As you know, you should be spending some time every day reading for pleasure. Look at the attached document which has all different kinds of questions for reading. Using you own choice of novel, answer one question from each coloured card. Please make sure that your answers are full, detailed and punctuated correctly. Also, draw an illustration to go along with the story, making it clear in writing what your picture shows.
Finally, listen to chapter 9 and 10 of Peter Pan here.
The PDF of the book is on TEAMS
Chapter 9 starts at 2:51:13 and
Chapter 10 starts at 2:58:27.
Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Spy Kids
Today’s Joke
I recently decided to sell my hoover — all it was doing was gathering dust
Today’s Anagram- Movie
Be Shrugs Tots
Have a lovely long weekend.
Mrs T x