Wednesday- 26.5.20
I hope you are all getting used to this new way of working. If there are any issues or hiccups, please let me know on the usual email address. I love seeing your work and photographs.
In Numeracy today, we are having a try at some problem solving tasks. Remember that the most important things about problem solving are your organisational skills and being able to say how you have reached a particular answer. Fun times ahead! Enjoy your tasks today!
Numeracy and Maths
Groups 1 and 2
There is a wee number investigation called 4 Digit Targets (not linked to decimals) which you should try. It is attached to the app as an image.
Group 3
There is a wee number investigation called Pairs of Numbers which you should try. It is attached to the app as an image.
Can you write up the way that you tackled these problems and explain how you managed to reach your answers.
Attached is a reading comprehension task.
It is the same reading for all, but has 3 different sets of follow-up comprehension questions.
Read it with an adult if you find it a bit tricky. As usual, you can email your answers to me or submit them on TEAMS.
Answer to yesterday’s anagram
The Jungle Book
Today’s Joke
Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of coke? He didn’t get hurt because it was a soft drink
Today’s Anagram- Movie
A Ad Hooting Nut Or Worry
Happy Learning
Mrs T x