Tuesday- 25.5.20
Hey y’all!! I hope you all managed fine with our new way of learning yesterday. Even though the learning grid is not on this post daily, please continue to share your work with me either by email on gw10tullocbarbara@glow.sch.uk or save your work to One Drive and share your file with me, remembering to give the file a name so that I know it is yours.
If you are using TEAMS, please remember to check the feedback I have given you. If you go into assignments and scroll to where it says completed, click on the assignment you are interested in, and you’ll see my comments there
Numeracy and Maths
Group 1
Have a try at this game comparing the size of different decimals.
You can also have a go at this one. Once you have clicked the link, select the option that says ‘up to 10 (2dp)’. DP means decimal places (that’s the number of digits after the decimal point.
Group 2
Have a try at this decimals game.
Group 3
Have a try at this game to help pick up speed in your addition
I’m giving you a free choice in your writing task this week.
Log on to
Look at the images carefully and choose which ones you want to use as your inspiration for writing. Use the question prompts to give you some ideas. I would like you to show some direct speech in your writing. I have attached a checklist for you to use when writing to ensure you have included everything you need to have.
Answer to yesterday’s anagram
Shaun The Sheep
Today’s Joke
Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything.
Today’s Anagram- Movie
Belong joke hut
Happy Learning
Mrs T x
Primary 5/6- Mrs Tulloch- 26.5.20