Hi All
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outdoors a bit.
Today we are changing the way we do some of our home learning. Every day you will have both literacy and a numeracy task to do. As well as this, there is a grid of activities which will cover all of the other areas of the curriculum. You can dip into these and engage in a way that suits you and your family. There will be a new learning grid each week. The P6 children from my class should look at the learning grid for the P6 and P6/7 class.
If you are using TEAMS please, please, please remember that when you edit the document with your own work, you need to change the name of the document and save it before submitting it to me; otherwise it will just return the original blank document.
We’re also going to try and have a class meeting on TEAMS at least once a week. You can let me know then if there is anything you need help with, or just need to chat about.
Numeracy and Maths
Group 3 will be adding 2 digit numbers without carrying. You always need to remember what is your Tens column and what is your Ones column.
First watch these videos to help you through your task.
You’ll not need all of the information in this video today, but will need it for a later date.
Now try your activity which is attached.
You’ll need to think really carefully about the word problems later in the task.
Today, we are going to have a focus on adjectives. Rewrite the following sentences in your jotters in your best cursive handwriting. Underline the words which are adjectives (describing words)
- Fred had a red hat and blue shoes.
- Lilly’s scarf was green.
- Mrs Snagglenose picked up the broken box, the damp coat and the dusty cloak.
- Gavin stared at the watery painting and gave a deep chuckle.
Now try to write another 5 sentences of your own using interesting adjectives. Underline all of the adjectives.
Have good fun with your learning today.
Mrs T x
Answer to last week’s anagram
Today’s Joke
Why do bees hum? They don’t remember the lyrics!
Today’s Anagram- A Movie
Huh teens phase
Love Mrs T x