Good afternoon everyone!
As of next week (16th November) I will be including Outdoor Learning into our weekly timetable, this will take part in the school grounds, at John Dixon Park or in the woods at Balbirnie. I am aware we are getting into the winter weather, however this will not stop us from going outdoors and we will be out in all weathers (as long as it is safe of course!)
The school has waterproof trousers and jackets we will be wearing so there is no need to worry about jackets or trousers getting dirty or ruined, however can I ask that on a Friday your child wears or brings in appropriate footwear for the woods (it will be wet and dirty) and also wears a hat and gloves if you feel this is necessary.
We will have our own waterproofs which will be kept in our classroom, we will not be sharing them with other classes. There will also be some space in the classroom if you would like to send in footwear, gloves or hats to keep in school.
These lessons will be linked to the curriculum and will cover Literacy, Numeracy and Science – it will not be an afternoon playing in the woods!
I have timetabled these lessons for Friday afternoon, this means if children do get a little wet or dirty they will not be sitting in these clothes all day – but as I have said the school provide waterproofs so I do not expect this to happen.
Please also remember that we have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday, sportswear can be worn to school on these days.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Miss Fyfe