Good afternoon everyone!

I cannot believe it is week 5 of our first term already, time seems to be flying by at the moment.

It has been a wonderful start to the new school year!  Having taken some time at the beginning of the term to get to know each other better, settle back into the routine of school and learn our ‘new normal’ way of school life, I am very happy at how well everyone has settled in and the fantastic effort everyone has made so far.  I think we are in for a great year in Primary 4!

A few things I wanted to share/remind everyone:

Outdoors – we have been spending a lot of time outdoors, with outdoor learning, our daily mile and outdoor PE. Can I ask that everyone comes to school prepared to be active outdoors at all times, pupils can bring a change of footwear to school if they would prefer to change when being active outdoors.

Extra layers – as the weather is beginning to get colder, it would be great if pupils could bring an extra jumper/hoodie to keep on their pegs for days when the classroom gets a little colder.  Due to covid, we do need to keep some of our classroom windows open for ventilation reasons and even with the heating on it can get a little nippy in the classroom (we are doing all we can to prevent this!)

Reading – Unfortunately we are unable to sent reading books home at the moment, however I can assure you that reading groups are still happening in class on a weekly basis as they usually would.  I would also encourage parents to read books you have at home as often as possible.

I hope you have a great evening.

Miss Fyfe