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Good morning, happy hump day, although I am sure no one will get the 'hump' today!

Remember to challenge yourself and take a little bit more ownership of your learning and if you have siblings; either older or younger, give them a helping hand today.  heart

I hope you like what I have put together for you; I always get excited when I am planning!  laugh  Well, before I start to talk poppycock, here's today's joke ...

Q.  What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo?   
A.  A 'pouch' potato!  wink

Casey reading for me yesterday, gave me an idea for today's wee challenge.  How fast can you say the following tongue twister without making a mistake?  
'I can think of six thin things but I can think of six thick things too.'cheeky

Perhaps, being Writing on Wednesday, you could come up with one of your own?  Maybe one about your pet?  Just a suggestion!

Happy day ... bye for now.  heart