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Maths on Monday – 11th May 2020

Good morning.  Well, what a lovely long weekend.  I hope it was an enjoyable one for all but my goodness, what a change in the temperature between Saturday and Sunday?  Saturday, shorts and tee-shirt; Sunday, muffled up as if I’m off on some Artic expedition!  Brrr!  Had to put the rugs back on my thorough-bred mares!  Tash, on the other hand was in her element – much prefers the cooler weather and was full of jumping beans most of Sunday!  This does not help when I am trying to put together ‘Maths on Monday’ but I forgive her because she is so good at helping me keep a healthy head!  😊

Sorry, for the waffle.  Joke to follow, brain teaser shared through image on App. and well, by now, I think you know where to find the Word doc.
Cheesy math jokes

The answer to today’s maths brain teaser will be posted up later; either to all or just to those children who have a go.  😊

There is also an image of a message from one of Markinch teachers.  It is an invitation to take part in an Art competition.  I think many of you will like this.  Good luck!  😊