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Learning Log – Maths Monday, 26th April 2020

Good morning – anyone see which way the weekend went?  Goodness me, that went in a flash!  I hope you all had a lovely weekend, whatever you did and may I thank everyone who took part in the 2 and 6 challenge.  As I am putting this together on Sunday, I cannot tell you yet how much money I managed to donate but I definitely will share this when I know!  Also, thank you to those who have already sent me their photos for the nature competition; hopefully, a few more to come in before the end of the day.  😊

As usual we are off with a joke and then … well, you can read the slight change for yourself.  Also, please find Word doc. attached to access some of today’s maths tasks.

Thank you for tuning in again and I’d like to wish you all a happy day.  Do not forget to have plenty of brain breaks and time with the family.  Above all else I believe in looking after our minds, which I know the children in Primary 4 know because we talked about this often.  Remember, here to help iron out any glitches, problems or to clarify anything I have failed to explain clearly. 

Bye for now … Mrs. Logan.  😊

    Joke:  Q. What did the computer do at lunchtime?

Riddle:    Instead of a riddle, today you have a maths challenge.  This will appear on the Word document.  Enjoy and good luck!