Morning everyone! I hope you had a good night’s sleep; anyone do some wild camping in their back garden? No? Me neither, although when I took Tash out for her evening stretch of her legs, I looked up at the night sky and was lucky to be dazzled by the Lyrid meteor shower!
For the stargazers amongst us, here is a little information and for those not really interested, just skip on!
The celestial display hit its peak on the night of April 21 and was visible until early this morning, April 22. Meteor showers, or shooting stars, are caused when pieces of debris, known as meteorites, enter Earth’s atmosphere at speeds of around 43 miles per second, burning up and causing streaks of light. The Lyrids takes its name from the constellation of Lyra the Harp, where the shooting stars appear to originate from. The meteors are pieces of debris falling from the Thatcher Comet, which is expected to return to the inner solar system in 2276, after a 415-year orbital period. Tania de Sales Marques, an astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich explained: ‘Comets are basically dirty ice balls that heat up as the comet approaches the sun, releasing dust and gases into space, and if the Earth, as it moves along its orbit around the sun, encounters these clouds of dust, then we get a meteor shower.’ |
Well, being a Thursday, it must be a day of language learning! I am sure most of you ready to jump right in, (good, that’s your morning fitness taken care of – first you skipped, then you jumped!). However, no day would be complete without a joke and riddle! Hey, who just said ‘feeble’ joke?!

Joke: Q: Did you just pick your nose?
Riddle: Q: David's father had three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ?
As per ususal, please click on word day for today's excitement!