Harry Potter Writing Task
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, we have learned that Ron Weasley’s dad secretly owns an enchanted Muggle car that can fly! If you could enchant an everyday object to give it a special ability or feature, what would you choose? Write a short paragraph identifying the object you would like to enchant, what magical properties you would bestow upon it, and what might happen as a result!
Writing Skills - Show Don’t Tell.
Discuss with an adult
Look at the first photograph, how do you think this person is feeling? What makes you think that?
Now look at the next photograph of the same person. How do you think they are feeling now? What makes you think that? How do you know that their mood has changed?
Finally look at the last photograph. How do you think they are feeling now? What are they doing with their face and their body to make you think that?
People rarely tell you how they are really feeling using words. More commonly they show you using these three key things:
- Their actions
- Their facial expressions
- Their body language
Try to act out these emotions, think about your facial expression, your body language, what actions are you doing?
- Tired
- Scared
- Embarrassed
- Upset
Writing Task
If an author was trying to convey that a character is tired, they might write:
Facial expression: He looked expression-less but his mouth drooped downwards at the corners.
Body language: His shoulders slumped and his arms hung lifelessly by his sides. His head slowly began to tilt downwards.
Actions: He opened his mouth and yawned like a lion roaring in the savannah. His heavy eyelids lowered.
Can you tell that this character is tired?
Pick one of the expressions I have attached and see if you can do the same, describe their facial expressions, their body language and their actions. Then see if you can write a paragraph about how they are feeling, using your descriptions without using that word!
Just for fun.
Who misses free writing time? … I DO!
Take 15/20 minutes to write about whatever you like. It could be … a diary entry, an imaginative story, an informative poster, a letter, ANYTHING YOU LIKE! Let your imagination run wild!
Have fun!
Miss Rennie x