Good morning everyone!

For writing a story today we are going to focus on planning them out using the "Somebody Wanted But So Then" model.
For example SOMEBODY (a space ranger) WANTED (to save the world from an evil alien lord) BUT (their space ship broke down) SO (they hitched a ride with a friendly alien) THEN (they made it just in time to destroy the evil alien lord).

Your story can be about any thing you would like, but before you get started  I would like to see your SOMEBODY WANTED BUT SO THEN plan.

Remember in your writing to use capital letters in the correct places, use your punctuation and have finger spaces. In a story there should be lots of detail so I'm looking for lots of interesting adjectives to really help me see this story come to life in my head when I imagine it - what does your character look like? Where are they and what does it look like there?

Miss Rennie