Well this is the final ' Good Morning' from myself on here, 

It has been a pleasure working at MPS. I have loved teaching Primary 3B this year and working in partnership with you all to teach these fantastic kids! I cannot thank you enough for all of your time and support this year, particularly in these last few tricky months. I wish every one of you all the best, and know that each and every child will do amazing things in P4. 

I have popped in a 'holiday activity' booklet as I know a few of you have asked for things to keep your children occupied through the holidays ( I will get around to uploading more throughout the day - many PDF files are too big for SeeSaw, so the larger ones will appear on here.)

Today's Learning
Today is a fun day, to celebrate all we have learned throughout primary 3. 
There are a few tasks:
- Design a machine invention. 
- Writing Activity
- A to Z of what I have learned this year
- Place Value code breaking 

I will continue to upload the Harry Potter story on Seesaw until we finish the book ( there have been a few comments from pupils wondering if we would manage to finish before the end of term). 

Once again, thank you for making my first year as a teacher a lovely and enjoyable experience. Both you and your children are absolute super stars! 

Miss Rennie x