Good morning!
Today is literacy Thursday, and we are going to look at making sure sentences make sense!
Task one - matching sentences
Sometimes when we write we get a little carried away and all our ideas get jumbled up on a page, today we're going to look at matching up sentence beginnings and endings so that we are able to remind ourselves what awe should be looking for to make sure our sentences make sense!
Remember the 'subject' is what the sentence is about. For example,"Miss Rennie walked down the road"... the subject in this sentence is me! Miss Rennie!
Task two - editing fairytale sentences
Someone has made a few mistakes when writing these sentences out, can you help them?
There are four mistakes in each, it could be spelling, maybe they have missed a word out, maybe they have missed out some punctuation.
Today is the last day of the school week today- you get an extra day off tomorrow!
Have fun and as always, enjoy the sunshine!
Miss Rennie x
Primary 3B Literacy Thursday