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Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you have all had a lovely easter break and have been enjoying the glorious weather we've been getting! 

Task one! 
As it's maths monday we are going to look at telling the time. 
There are 3 work sheets here:
one looking at o'clock
one looking at o'clock and half past
one looking at o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.

I would like you to pick your challenge! If you pick one that you then find is too easy, or too hard you can always change your mind. 

Tast two

As always please remember to practice your spelling words throughout the week 

Master Minds - wait , hail , pain , aim , sail , tail
Clever Cookies - toe , doe , goes , tomatoes , potatoes , heroes 
Brain Boxes - some, come,  none, nothing, month , mother 
Whizz Kids - there , where, nowhere, somewhere , everywhere , square

Have a fun day! 
Miss Rennie