Good morning! It's topic Tuesday so we're going to continue looking at forces. We looked at gravity last week, so this week we are going to have a look at air resistance.
task one - watch this video to have a little look into what air resistance is. Talk to an adult about what you have just watched
task two
When something moves through the air the air pushes back on the object with a force which is called air resistance. You can feel air resistance when you run. Try running across your garden or an open space and then run again but with a sheet of card or wood held in front of you like in the picture above.
Do you feel a larger force of air resistance with or without the card? What could you change to alter how much air resistance you feel? Make a list of as many as you can. Two ideas are given below to start you off:
How fast you run
If the card is bent or flat.
When you have written down as many as you can decide on one idea from the list to investigate. Write your idea down as a question, for example:
What will happen to the amount of air resistance we feel when we run faster / the card is bent ?
Try to make a prediction and if you can give a reason for it, for example:
The faster we run the more air resistance we will feel. We think this will happen because as we run faster we are trying to push more air out of the way and it will push back more.