Thinking Thursday
For Thinking Thursday, we will have three separate tasks – spelling, reading and Literacy Skills. Each of the three tasks have also been sent to your individual groups on seesaw.
Begin by practicing your spelling words from last week. Have an adult read them out to you and write down each word. Once you have done them all, check them over using the spelling strategies we use in class.
Next move onto this week’s spelling words. Please practice them as often as you can.
Consonants (magic e) |
Vowels (long u spellings) |
Syllables (silent k and t) |
Same Pale These Scene Fine Like Bone Explode June rule |
Due Rescue Fume defuse Use Computer rescue Stew Knew nephew |
Knight Know Knee Knot Knowledge Whistle Listen Thistle Fasten Christmas |
Extension Task - Look through your group reading book and find as many words as you can that use your spelling rule for this week. Can you find any words that are not on your spelling list?
Reading Comprehension – Whole class
Choose one of the reading comprehension sheets. There are 4 in total but please only do the sheet which you think suits your level of learning.
Read the first page then answer the questions about the story. You can either write this in your jotter, talk them out with someone at home or even record a video of voice memo if you answers and send them over to me.
If you choose to write them out, please make sure you use full sentences, write in your neatest handwriting and check spelling.
Literacy Skills
Today we will be learning about proper nouns. Watch this video, or head over to seesaw where I have uploaded a video, which reminds you what a noun is and explains what proper nouns are and what makes them different.
Next compete one of the worksheets I have attached (Chilli Challenge!).
Extension task
Verb, noun and adjective treasure hunt - Go for a walk around your local area and look out for nouns, verbs and adjectives. Read signs and posters around the shops, do they have any nouns, verbs or adjectives on them? Can you see anyone doing any verbs? Can you use adjectives to describe what you see on your walk?
Have a wonderful day! 😊
Miss Fyfe