Good morning everyone.
Welcome to Writing Wednesday.

You have learned that plants are very important because they are at the start of every food chain and they give us oxygen.

Today as part of “Living Things” we are going to learn about where our food comes from. Does it start off as a plant or as an animal?

Follow the link below, scroll down and then search for the “Food Photo Cards”. (I have put these on Seesaw too) Look at the different food pictures. Can you name each of the foods? Do they come from a plant or an animal? Write a list of foods that come from a plant and another list of foods that come from an animal.  There is a template on Seesaw for you to use or you can write them in your school jotter.
Play the interactive game called “Plant or Animal”. Follow the link below.  

What’s for breakfast?
Complete the activity about what you had for breakfast. This can be downloaded by following the link above and scrolling down. There is a template on Seesaw or you can simply write in your jotters.

Listen to the story called “Oliver’s Vegetables”.
Complete the book review about “Oliver’s Vegetables”. What is the setting? Who is the main character? What happens first? What happens next? What happens last? There is a template on Seesaw or this can be completed in your jotters.

Are these sentences correct?
We know that a sentence should start with a capital letter, have finger spaces and finish with a full stop.
Pretend that you are the teacher! Look carefully at the sentences and try to spot any mistakes. Write each sentence out correctly for your pupil! This is an activity on Seesaw or you can write the sentences in your jotter.
  1. the dog is spotty.
  2. The duck swims on the.
  3. I sleep in a bunk bed.
  4. i like fish and. Chips
  5. He is playing football

Letter formation
Practise your letter formation. Remember you can work on your capital letters and lower-case letters. Use Doorway Online to make sure you are starting and finishing in the right places.
How many letters can you make outside using sticks, stones, leaves, daisies, dandelions etc? I would love to see them on Seesaw.

I hope you are all well and enjoying the activities that I am posting. It is great to hear how you found them and to see the results of all your hard work on Seesaw. We now have everybody in our class registered and it is a great way to keep in touch, so please send me a message to let me know what you are up to, even if you are not completing all of the activities.
Missing you all.
Mrs Dowie