Good morning everyone.
The weather forecast for today is hot and sunny, so make sure you get outside and make the most of it. It is also important for you to stay safe in the sun, so I would like you to watch “The Sun Safety PowerPoint” on Twinkl or on Seesaw. Sun safety is part of Health and Wellbeing. 

Make a Sun Safety poster that would encourage others to keep themselves safe in the sun. A poster should have BIG, BOLD letters, it should be colourful and eye catching and it should have a clear message (not too many words). I look forward to seeing your posters on Seesaw or over a double page in your jotters.

Complete the sun safety sentences, using the word bank to help you. Make sure you copy the words carefully. This is an activity on Seesaw but it can be written in your red jotters too.

Do the cut and stick activity about packing your beach bag with things to keep you safe in the sun. If you can’t print this off then just draw and label the pictures in your red jotter instead. Eg sun hat, sun cream, sun glasses, parasol, long sleeved t-shirt, water.

Design and make your own sunglasses or sun hat. I look forward to seeing all your great ideas on Seesaw.

Write a list of your friends’ names that you miss from school. Remember that everyone’s name starts with a capital letter.

Tell me who you miss from school and why. Remember to write in sentences. Start your sentences with capital letters, leave finger spaces and finish with full stops.

8 Fun Holiday Stick Crafts. Fun ideas for winter break.