Good morning everyone!
We are almost at the end of term. I am delighted that some of you are going to be in my class again next year and I am sure that those of you moving on will very quickly get to know Miss Wilkie, who I was chatting to in school yesterday. I was telling her all about you and showing her some of your work.
As usual the literacy and numeracy activities for today are posted over on Seesaw or maybe some of you are going off on your “school trip”!
- Complete the “Memories of Primary 1” activity on Seesaw.
- Complete the” For My New Teacher” activity.
- Record a message for all your friends in Primary 1. (tell them that you’ve missed them, wish them a happy holiday, share what was the best bit of lockdown for you, tell them that you can’t wait to see them in August)
- Complete “The Spacemen” problem solving activity. Draw a diagram to help you solve the problem.
- Honey’s Money – Do you have to add or subtract?
- Gilbert’s Garden Paths- Complete the patterns.
Have another great day and I will see you tomorrow for our last day of Primary 1. I will be working in school again today but will catch up with you later on. Please try to send everyone a little video, recording or message for the end of term.
Take care and have fun.
Mrs Dowie