Primary 1A    Wednesday 17th June

Good morning everyone!

Here are your literacy and numeracy activities for today. Remember to choose other activities from this week’s learning grid to cover some of the other curricular areas.

  • Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Use your own coins to put the correct amount of money in the empty jars. This activity is on Seesaw.
  • Set up your shop again.  You can have any kind of shop you like. Buy and sell your items. Add prices together.
  • Can you remember the months of the year? Sing or say them in order. Complete the months of the year activity on Seesaw.

Literacy – Writing focus
  • How to Write a Postcard. – Read through this PowerPoint with an adult.
  • Use the postcard template on Seesaw to write your own postcard. Imagine that you have been on holiday by the seaside and write a postcard to send to a friend or relative. Try to include all the information included in the PowerPoint.
  • Make signs/ labels/ posters for your shop.

Thank you for sending me your posts over on Seesaw. I look forward to seeing you there.
Missing you all.
Mrs Dowie