Good morning everyone and a big thank you to those of you that posted your learning on Seesaw yesterday. I have managed to clear some activities so that I can send you some new ones today. We are still trying to get our limit increased but will do the best we can for just now.
I hope you managed to have a look at the weekly learning grid that was attached to yesterday’s post on the school app. Remember to pick and choose the activities from the other curricular areas that feel right for you and your family. I look forward to seeing what you get up to.
Here are today's literacy and numeracy activities.
- Today I am going to post “Storyworld” reading and writing activities on Seesaw. Please complete your child’s group activities first.
- Keep practising your alphabet- sing, write, lay out wooden or plastic letters, write letters on bits of paper and lay out in the right order. (Practice makes perfect!)
- We have been learning about living things but from next week I would like to focus on “Under the Sea”. Please write me a note or make me a recording on Seesaw about anything you would really like to find out/ learn about over the next few weeks.
- Watch this video clip about symmetry as a quick reminder. How many examples of symmetry can you spot in your house, garden or wider community?
- I have posted a “Line of Symmetry Challenge” on Seesaw for you to try today. Get your problem- solving heads on!! Remember drawing a picture is a strategy that we can use to solve a problem.
- Fill in as much as you can of the blank 100 square on Seesaw. Colour every 2nd square. Can you see a pattern? Do you recognise these numbers?
- Practise counting in 2s.
Mrs Dowie