Tuesday 16th June
Good morning everyone!
Thank you for all your posts yesterday. You all did really well with your sound mats and with your new money work. Well done.
I have posted todays’ literacy and numeracy activities over on Seesaw and you can choose activities from this week’s learning grid too.

  • Collect as many different coins as you can. Can you name each of the coins? Do some coin rubbings. Complete the “Coin Recognition Activity” on Seesaw
  • How Much Do the Ice-Creams Cost? – add up the coins
  • Reading Calendars Activity – Look at the calendar and work out the answers to the questions.

  • Seaside Spot the Difference Activity- visual perception
  • Reading - Zones of the Ocean / Questions
  • Writing – Seaside Missing Sounds – put in the consonant blends to complete the words. Use 3 of the words in sentences.
  • Talking/Listening- Tell me what your favourite thing to do at the seaside is. Make a recording or video on Seesaw.  
  • Get a grown up to read through the “I am Worried” Powerpoint with you and discuss this together.
I hope you have another great day and I look forward to seeing you and hearing from you over on Seesaw.
Take care everyone.
Mrs Dowie