When I have been out walking my dogs, I have seen lots of dandelions growing in the park, by the sides of the road and in people’s gardens.
Watch “Come Outside” with Auntie Mabel and learn all about the life cycle of a dandelion.
You can also watch the Life Cycle of a Dandelion on Bitesize for some really close up photography.
Can you tell an adult 2 ways that dandelion seeds travel?
Go out for a walk and see if you can spot dandelions in different stages of their life cycle. Can you see a young, green plant, a bud, a bright yellow flower, a seed head and some seeds being blown by the wind? Take some photographs and record on Seesaw.
Complete the Dandelion Life Cycle activities that I have put on Seesaw. There is one where you have to draw the pictures and another where you have to write sentences. You can complete these in your red jotters, if that is easier.
The dandelion seeds have their own little parachutes? Why are these important? Why do the seeds have to travel away from the mature dandelion plants?
Can you design, make and test out a parachute for one of your small toys? What can you use? Try using different materials. Here are some links to help you get started. I look forward to seeing all your parachute jumps on Seesaw!!
Can you think of a way to paint/print a white dandelion seed head? ( finger prints, cotton buds, thin card, the ends of straws ?!!)
I look forward to seeing your art work on Seesaw.
Take the word DANDELION and see how many small words you can make out of the letters. Write your list of words in your red jotter and post it in Seesaw.
Have another great day.
Mrs Dowie