Thinking Thursday
Good morning everyone. Hope you manged to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. Here we are back on “Thinking Thursday” and I have more literacy activities for you to try.

Last week we learned that compound words are words that are made up of two (or more) smaller words. Play this interactive game to remind you about this.
Write the compound words, that you make on screen, in your jotters. Choose 3 of these words to use in sentences.

This is another interactive game called “Crazy Compound Words”. You may need a grownup to help you with some of the reading. There is a starter activity, part 1, part 2 and a plenary.

On Seesaw I have posted a variety of Storyworld activities for my different reading groups. Your child knows which group they are in. (The picture of the character is on your child’s reading packet) These activities allow practice and consolidation of the sight vocabulary your child should be familiar with.

It is important to keep working on your word walls and red sound jotters. If you are confident with all your words video yourself reading them on Seesaw and I will send you the next stage.

Letters and Sounds
Google “Letters and Sounds” and try Phase 2, 3 or 4 activities. Work on the level that is right for you. eg
“Large phase 2 letters plain” – go through all the sounds and see which ones you remember.
“Phase 2 words on trucks”- these are decodable words for you to sound out. Say the first sound loudly and almost whisper the others. This will help you remember the starting sound and hopefully hear the word.
“Phase 2 Tricky Words”- practise the sight vocabulary.
“Phase 2 Captions- read the decodable phrases.
If these are too easy move on to Phase 3 and if you are really confident try Phase 4.

What was your normal week like before lockdown? Make a recording on Seesaw or write in your jotters and tell me what you did on different days of the week. Eg 
      On Sunday I go to see my gran.
      On Monday I have gym.
      On Tuesday I go to Rainbows.
      On Wednesday I play football.  

Listening (for information)
Watch and listen carefully to BBC Bitesize “Working on a Livestock Farm”.

Answer the following questions.
What is a livestock farm?
What jobs did Barnaby Bear help with on the farm?
Why did he have to wash his hands after he had milked the cows?
Why did they have to feed the lambs with a bottle?
Who laid the eggs?
Have you ever visited a farm? What did you see and do?

I hope you all have another great day. I am working at the HUB today so may not respond to your posts till later in the day. I look forward to hearing from you.
Have fun.
Mrs Dowie