Tomorrow we are on holiday from school because it is our May Day holiday and also because it is the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
What is VE Day?
Get a grown up to read the VE Day comprehension activity to you and answer the questions about it. You can write your answers in your red jotter if you want to. If you are not on Seesaw then follow this link to the BBC News to find out what VE Day is and why May Day has been changed this year.
Look at the photograph on the BBC News link. Do you think it was taken a long time ago or quite recently? Why do you think that? How do you think these people are feeling? How can you tell?  Who do you think is in the photograph?

People wore red, white and blue clothes on VE Day. Why?
Can you make a Union Jack flag? Use the free resource on Twinkl or on Seesaw to help you. Why is the Union Jack red, white and blue? Research this on your computers, iPads or phones.
Photographs are a good way to find out about the past.
Do you have any old photographs in your house? Spend time looking at them with your family. Who are the people in the photographs? Has anything changed since the photographs were taken? Eg hair styles, clothes, cars, furniture etc
If you don’t have any old photos in your house you can search Google for some that were taken in 1945, 1960, 1980, 2000 etc.
Look at photographs of yourself when you were born, when you were a toddler, when you were in nursery and when you were at school.  Can you put them in chronological order and show me them on Seesaw? How have you changed? What did you do when you were a baby?  What did your parents/ carers have to do for you?
Write down 3 things that your parents or carers had to do for you when you were a baby. “When I was a baby my mum/ dad/ gran had to ……..”
What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you were a baby? Write down 3 things that you can do now. Eg “Now that I am five I can ……”
As always, I look forward to seeing all your work on Seesaw.
Have a lovely holiday tomorrow. You could wear red, white and blue clothes to celebrate VE Day and remember to wave your flags!
See you back here on Monday.
Mrs Dowie