Good morning everyone and welcome to Thinking Thursday. We are going to focus on literacy again today.
Use “Letters and Sounds” on line and practise tackling unseen text. Use all of the sounds you have learned to decode the words, captions and/or sentences.
Phase 2- Captions
Phase 3- Sentences and Yes/ No Questions
Phase 4- Sentences and Yes/No Questions
Write out 3 of the captions or sentences in your red jotters and draw a picture to match one of them.
Search for “Letters and Sounds Games” on Google and choose the phase that you feel comfortable on. Have fun playing the interactive games that will help to develop your reading and phonics skills.
Complete the “Animals and Habitats Reading Comprehension” on Seesaw. Try to read as much as you can on your own but ask an adult to help if you get stuck. It is worth reading through this text twice before answering the questions.
Take a listening walk inside and out. Record what you hear on the template on Seesaw or in your red jotter. Draw pictures and write the words.
Write out a menu for lunch time. You can illustrate your menu too. I look forward to seeing them on Seesaw.
Last week we worked on the different ai sounds. Have a look at the “Words Reading Machine” on Google. Listen to the machine and then have a go at sounding the words out yourselves.
Sit back and enjoy watching “Words and Pictures – long vowels- ay” which reminds us of the different ways to make ai/ay and also tells one of my favourite stories, “Katie Morag Delivers the Mail” What is your favourite bit of the story? Share this with a grown up.
Play the “ai, ay or a-e roll the dice game” which is on Seesaw. Remember to sound out each word and if you can read it cover it with a counter. The winner is the first person to cover a whole row. Have fun.
Have a look at “The Snail in the Rain” which I have posted on Seesaw. Read the story, highlight all the ai words and write them in your red jotter. Choose 3 of these words to put in sentences.
Keep practising your word walls and sounds.
Choose one of your books and record yourself reading. Try to be fluent, use expression and follow the different punctuation marks. Listen to yourself. What do you think? Is there anything you have to work on?
When you are out for your walk collect lots of daisies and try to make a daisy chain. This is quite fiddly but very good for your fine motor control. Make a hole in the stem with your thumb nail and thread the next stem through it. Who can make the longest chain? (We have got so used to the sun shining but if it is raining have fun jumping in the puddles instead!!)
How many bits of macaroni (or anything else that is small) can you pick up and transfer to a cup in one minute? You must only pick up one piece at a time. Again, this is good for your fine motor skills and helps with your pincer grip, which you also use to hold your pencil.
Stay safe everyone and keep smiling.
Mrs Dowie