Good morning everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend despite the wet weather. Here we are in our last week of term and I have planned some fun activities for our last few days together before we go off on our summer holidays. I will be posting some literacy and numeracy activities each day and remember that the learning grid that I posted last Monday was for two weeks.
I hope that you can go on your own “school trip” and I have attached a few different ideas at the bottom of this post that you can choose from. I hope you have fun!
- Read/listen to the story of “Starry-Eyed Stan”.
- Using the illustrations from the story complete the speech and thought bubbles.
- Read and follow the step by step instructions to draw the different characters from the story. Who is your favourite character and why?
- Go over your word walls and sound mats.
- Complete the Starry-Eyed Stan Grid Reference activity.
- Summer Code Breaking- Have fun working with tens and ones.
- “Custom Car Garage” on Topmarks - have fun customising your own car. Click and drag the coins to pay for all the extras on your sports car.
Have a great day everyone and I look forward to seeing all of you over on Seesaw. It would be lovely to see everyone before we go off on holiday so please post your photographs showing me what you have been up to.
Have a great day.
Mrs Dowie