I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
It was announced on Friday that Primary 2 were the winners of our virtual sports day, so a big well done to them. Thank you to all the children in our class who tried so hard with all the sporty challenges. You did really well too!
I cannot believe that there are only 3 weeks left before the summer holidays. Keep working hard everyone as we’ve not got long to go!
The literacy and numeracy activities will be posted over on Seesaw as usual and I have attached the new learning grid for this week at the bottom of this post. I hope you enjoy learning about the different zones of the ocean and the creatures that live in them.
- Use 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to count on. (Grab a handful of coins and count to see how much you have all together)
- Make a seaside shop. Collect together various items eg flip flops, beach towel, sunglasses, sun cream, goggles, bucket, spade etc. Make labels and price each of the items. (Work within 10p or 20p to begin with) Use real or pretend coins to buy items from the shop. Buy 2 items and add the prices together.
- Complete the “How Much Money Is in My Jar?” activity on Seesaw.
- Writing - Seaside Pencil control
- Reading Letters and Sounds - Phase 2/3/4 sound mats. How many do you know? Mark off the ones you get right on the sheets to show me how you get on. (These are on Seesaw)
- Reading Word walls. Keep practising your sight vocabulary.
- Talking – Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Where did you go? Who were you with? Make a video or recording on Seesaw.
The Markinch staff are working at Pitcoudie today. I know that some of my class are going to be there, so I’m really looking forward to seeing them. It will probably be much later in the day before I can respond to your posts on Seesaw but I look forward to hearing from you.
Take care.
Mrs Dowie