Good morning everyone. It is STEM Friday!
Here we are at the end of another school week. Thank you all for sharing your learning with me and I look forward to seeing what you get up to today!
Floating and Sinking- Gather together a selection of different sized fruit and vegetables and a big bucket of water. (This is a good activity to do outside) Which ones do you think will float and which ones do you think will sink? Why do you think that? Record your thoughts on the template on Seesaw or in your jotters.
Predicting and testing are very important stages in science experiments.
Test to see if your predictions were accurate. Did any of the fruits or vegetables surprise you? Why?
The children will probably base their guesses on the weight and size of the fruit or vegetables. Try to discuss the concepts of density and buoyancy with your child and not simply the size and weight. The link below will help you explain these concepts.
“Interactive Sites for Education” offers a variety of games to help you learn about floating and sinking.
Have fun trying some out and let me know which ones you enjoyed the most.
“Number Pieces” is an interactive game on Top Marks which allows you to play around with tens and ones to make bigger numbers.
Try the “Paperchain Challenge”. Give everyone in your family a piece of A4 paper, scissors and tape. Who can make the longest paperchain? Compare the chains at the end? Who made the longest/shortest? Why did you end up with chains that were different lengths?
Information Handling
Have a look at the “Favourite Fruit” activity on Seesaw. Complete the table by filling in the missing tally marks and totals. When you have all the information, transfer this to the pictogram at the bottom of the worksheet. A whole smiley face represents 2 people! This is also on Twinkl.
Use the table and/or pictogram to answer the questions about the information gathered. This is on Seesaw.
Carry out your own survey. You will need to ask a grownup’s permission to phone, text, email or video call your friends and family. Make a table, using tally marks and a pictogram to show your results.
Counting to 10
Do the “I Spy and Count” activity on Seesaw. Talk about all the different kinds of food and then count to see how many there are.
Counting to 20
Complete the “How many?” activity on Seesaw. Count the jelly beans and match them to the right number and number name. This is page 5 in the “Numbers 11-20” workbook if you have this at home.
Counting up to 50 or 100
Count the pieces of pasta. This is an activity on Seesaw. Count the tens (10,20,30,40) and then add on the ones (41,42,43)
Use your bits of pasta to lay out some bigger numbers. Lay out your tens first (in straight columns) and then add your ones.
Have a great weekend everyone and I will see you back here on Monday. Let’s hope the sun shines!
Be good and kind.
Mrs Dowie