Happy Friday everyone!
I cannot believe that this is our last Friday together in Primary 1. I hope you all got the information yesterday which told you who your teacher is going to be next year and which classroom you are going to be in. I know that these were some of the  things that were worrying you about coming back to school, so hopefully getting this information will have helped put your minds at rest. I am really pleased that I will have some of you again in the Primary 1/2.

Here are todays literacy and numeracy activities which will be posted over on Seesaw.

  • Listen to “Commotion in the Ocean”.
Can you write down some of the rhyming words from these funny poems?
  • Record yourself doing your latest word wall to show me where you are.
  • Read “End Plastic Pollution” – choose the text that is the right challenge for you. Answer the questions that follow.
  • How many plastic things can you find in your house? Make a list.
  • Summer Wordsearch

  • Sing the months of the year song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5enDRrWyXaw
  • Complete “This Month” which is an activity posted on Seesaw.
  • “What’s Missing?” – Use your number square to complete the missing numbers. Think about which number comes before, after, below (10 more) or above (10 less).

The weather forecast for later today is thunder and lightning!  If you would like to find out why we get thunder and lightning then follow the link below.

Stay safe everyone and I will see you back here on Monday for our last week of Primary 1.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Dowie