Primary 1A Thursday 4th June
Good morning everyone.
Thank you for getting in touch over on Seesaw. It sounds like many of you were able to meet up with family and friends over the long weekend or were able to get out and about a bit more. Let’s hope this continues.

Today’s literacy and numeracy activities will be posted over on Seesaw.

Last week we worked on the “ie” sound. Today we are going to find out that there are a few different ways to make this sound. When you read “Bright Stanley” did you spot one?
  • CVC activity booklet. If you feel you need to practise writing 3 letter words then have a go at this.
  • Highlight all the “igh” words, after you read the story.
  • Alternative ie/igh/i-e/y sounding out cards.
  • Roll and read alternative “ie” game.
  • Sorting the alternative “ie” words- worksheet.

Mental Maths
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Add 10 to any number. Use a number square to help you. 5+10=15, the answer will be the number under 5 on the number square.
  • Take 10 away from any number. 25-10=15, the answer will be above the number that you start with. (This will help you complete the missing numbers activity later)

  • Starfish template- each starfish has 5 arms. Write the numbers 5,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 on your starfish. Mix up the numbers and then order correctly. (I have put a template on Seesaw for you to draw round or print off.)
  • Hands count in 5s- worksheet
  • Missing numbers activity.

I look forward to seeing what you get up to today.
 Mrs Dowie