Good morning and welcome back everyone!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Please let me know what you have been doing over the last few days by sending me a note, recording or photograph over on Seesaw.
I know that some of you made a start to your alphabet books and posters, so please continue them this week. They were looking great!
I will post your literacy and numeracy activities on Seesaw. The activities on there are a bit spread out, as I am still limited as to what I can put in one post. I hope this does not make it too tricky for you!
- Listen to the story called “Bright Stanley”.
- Reading for information- Read the “Under the Sea Fact Cards” and answer the questions.
- Word walls- I have posted new word walls on Seesaw. Keep practising all the word walls you have. Automatic recognition of this key vocabulary is really important to help you read fluently.
- Under the Sea subtraction.
- I Spy- Under the Sea addition
- How many things can you spot in your house or garden that are “under” something? Talk to a grown up about what you see.
The whole school is going to have a “Virtual Sports Day” on Friday 5th June. You can earn points for our class by completing the bronze, silver or gold levels that I have attached to this post. Choose which level you are going to complete and let me know how you get on. Please send photographs of you in action! There will be certificates for the highest scoring class, so let’s work as a team and do our very best!
Have a great day everyone and I look forward to seeing all your hard work and smiley faces over on Seesaw.
Mrs Dowie