Good morning everyone and welcome back to another week of home learning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend with your families.
The format for this week is going to be a bit different after parents and teachers completing the survey on remote learning. There will now be daily literacy and numeracy activities, along with a weekly learning grid, that covers the other curricular areas. This is attached at the bottom of this post. (Hopefully!!)
I have reached my limit on the number of activities that I can post on Seesaw so will not be able to post new activities today. We were in touch with Seesaw on Friday afternoon so hopefully this will be rectified as quickly as possible. For just now please work from the school app, use the home learning packs that were sent home and choose activities from the learning grid attached.
Recite the alphabet. Can you remember all the letters of the alphabet and the order that they come in?
Do you have an alphabet book at home?
Sing the “Alphabet Song”. Follow the link below to sing along or you may already know another version.
This week we are going to learn about alphabetical order. Write out the alphabet in 3 rows. Put a-i on the top row (these are the ones that are at the beginning), j-q on the middle row (these are the ones that are in the middle) and r-z on the bottom row (these are the ones that are at the end of the alphabet)
Do this for lower case letters and then for capital letters.
We place words in alphabetical order depending on where the first letter of each word comes in the alphabet. Eg cat would come before fish because c comes before f in the alphabet. Follow the link below to hear a bit more about this.
Put these letters in alphabetical order.
- X, D, M
- J, P, C
- G, W, C
- Y, B, Q
- zebra, cat, horse
- Dan, Sam, Jim
- red, yellow, green
- banana, plum, mango, apple
Practise reading your word walls. How are you getting on with them? Are you ready for the next stage?
Go through your sound jotters? Which ones are you getting stuck on?
Mental maths
“Show Me a Number” - Get a grownup to say a number. How quickly can you put up the right number of fingers?
Practise counting in 2s. Follow the link below.
Lay out some pairs of socks? How many socks do you have altogether? Count them in 2s.
Practise counting in 10s. Follow the link below.
Write 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 on bits of paper. Mix them up and then put them in the right order. Start with 10 and go up. Then start with 100 and count back.
Practise your snappy doubles.
Other activities
- Complete some pages in your addition or subtraction workbooks.
- Practise counting out sets of objects. This can be within 10, 20, 50 or 100. Remember with bigger numbers it is easier to group the objects in 10s first.
- Use a drawing of a ladybird to make the number bonds to 10. How many spots will be on each side of the ladybird? Write out the number story for each adding sum.
Have another great day and hopefully Seesaw will be up and running again really soon.
Take care everyone.
Mrs Dowie