Good morning everyone.
We are back to Topic Tuesday today and we are going to learn more about different animal habitats.
I would like you to do your own bit of research today about an animal that you don’t know much about. You can use books at home or your computers and laptops to search on Google. Complete the Habitat Fact File Activity on Seesaw or in your jotters and tell me what kind of habitat your chosen animal lives in, what your animal eats and also another interesting fact that you discover about your animal.
Have a look on Bitesize and have fun learning about “A Desert Habitat” and “A Pond Habitat”.
We are also going to learn that animals get their food from plants or other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain.
Watch “What is a Food Chain?” on the Bitesize link above and then work your way through the “Food Chain” PowerPoint on Seesaw with your child.
Complete the Food Chain Activity on Seesaw or in your jotters. The children should be able to use vocabulary such as producer, consumer, predator and prey.
Get a few people in your family to have a game of Beetle together. There are instructions on Seesaw and a template to record your drawings on. You need a dice and must throw a 6 to start. Good luck and have fun.
I look forward to seeing all your research and activities later today.
Take care and keep smiling.
Mrs Dowie