Good morning everyone.
It is Thinking Thursday today. Here are some activities to choose from with a literacy focus, which also tie in with our topic of Living Things. What does the word cautious mean? Can you think of a time when you were cautious about something? Record a message on Seesaw telling me about that time and remember to use the word cautious in your sentence.

  • Complete the activity on Seesaw where you have to describe the setting of this story. Try to describe what you can see, what you might hear and what you might feel. These words might help you- garden, park, calm, beautiful, colourful, trees, flowers, warm and bright. Remember to copy any words in the word bank carefully and have a go at any other words you want to use. Write about the setting in your jotter if you are not using Seesaw.
  • Answer the Comprehension Questions about the story to check your understanding. This is an activity on Seesaw.
  • Try the Cautious Caterpillar Talk Cards Listen carefully to the questions and answer in a complete sentence. You can record your answers for me to listen to.
  • Look at the word CATERPILLAR and see how many small words you can make using each letter only once. Eg at, all, cat etc Write your words in your jotter and post them on Seesaw.
  • Practise the curly caterpillar letters c, o, a, d, g and q. They all start with a curly c shape. Try not to lift your pen or pencil until you finish each letter. Look on Doorway Online to check the formation. Practise in your red jotter. Post your fantastic writing on Seesaw.

  • Cody the Caterpillar is an example of alliteration because Cody and Caterpillar both start with the sound c. Can you think up names for these living things which will also be examples of alliteration? –  ladybird, bee, grasshopper, frog, worm, parrot, mouse, duck, elephant.

             Eg Lucy the Ladybird, Bob the Bee, Gordon the Grasshopper.
             Write down your names in your jotter and show them to me on Seesaw.
  • Record yourself reading the words on your word wall. Keep practising them so that you can read them on sight. Show me on Seesaw when you think you are ready.

I look forward to seeing all your fantastic work later today. If anyone is still having any problems with Seesaw please let me or the school know and we will try our best to get things sorted out.
 Have fun,
    Mrs Dowie