Good afternoon,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend and making the most of the lovely weather.

I am sure the children have mentioned that our Nativity practices are underway. There has been great excitement about working on the stage and using the microphones!

The photographs for our Nativity programme will be taken on Friday 4th December. I would be very grateful if you could send the following items in to school, in a named carrier bag, before then.

Primary 1s
(snowflakes) girls- white tights
(snowflakes) boys- white shorts/t-shirt
(Christmas Star)- black trousers/t-shirt

Primary 2s
(Narrators) black top/ black trousers or skirt and a piece of tinsel.

Please let me know if you have a problem providing any of the above and I can have a rummage through all of the costumes and clothes that we have in school. Please do not go out and buy anything new for this!

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to sharing the finished performance with you.
 Stay safe
Margaret Dowie