Friday 19th June
Fun Friday 😊
Yay, we have made it through another week of learning at home. Well done if you managed to complete any of the tasks given and make sure that you have a lovely weekend!
Numearcy taskÂ
Green chilli - The Mystery at the Perfect Pancake Competitions
Orange chilli – They Mystery of the Mixed-up Football Shirts
Red chilli – The Mystery of Cinema Suspects
Literacy Task –Boggle
How many words can you make from the letters in the grid? One set has letters already in the grids and the other is blank for you to fill if you’d prefer. The challenge is to see who is the fastest to make the most amount of words using the grid letters. You cannot double the letters, you can only use the ones which are there. Or you could play it like how we did in class, who can get the longest word.
Have fun!
Remember to always be the best version of yourself!        Â
 Miss C