Wednesday 27th May
Happy Wednesday! Here are the Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today.
Numearcy task li – to measure time
Brown group – li calculate duration
Duration is how long something lasts for. Watch this video on you tube to help you:
Complete brown group task in files
Purple group– li to calculate time in different time zones around the world
The world is split up into different time zones. This link explains why and how:
Complete the purple group task in files.
Blue group– li interpret time graphs
Using your knowledge and understanding of time, you are now going to interpret graphs involving time.
Complete the blue group task in files.
Literacy Task – li – persuasive writing
Using your knowledge from the last few weeks. You are going to write a persuasive piece of writing. In files, there is the theme of the persuasive writing, a poster to help to remind you of the language, sequence etc. when writing your text plus a checklist for when you have completed the writing to ensure you have met all the success criteria.
Remember to always be the best version of yourself!
Miss C 😊