Tuesday 19th May
Topic Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!
Task 1 li – to learn about the key events of WWII - the Blitz
Last week we started to learn about the Blitz during WWII. These links take you to a few short videos for you to watch and to hear more about what life was like during the Blitz. Complete the task 1 in files once you have watched the clips.
Task 2 li – Evacuation of children
Before the Blitz started, many children were evacuated out of big cities such as London. However, the war did not reach the shores of Britain and the children were returned to their homes. However, the Blitz meant that these children and many more were evacuated again. There were many differing experiences of the children who were evacuated, and some didn’t see their parents for years.
How would you have felt if you were being evacuated? Use the thinking hats to help you to write a short diary entry imagining that you were being evacuated. Think about writing from when you get up in the morning at your own house then finishing with you going to bed in your new Evacuee family.
Task 3 li – Evacuation
The children were only allowed to take one suitcase with them when being evacuated. Research what was most likely to be in an evacuee’s suitcase and how would this compare to what you would pack in modern day. Complete the suitcase task and comparison task.
Remember to always be the best version of yourself!
Miss C 😊