Wednesday 12th May
Writing Wednesday
Happy Wednesday!
Today we are going to be looking at persuasive writing as we had started looking at this type of writing before lockdown (Is football the best sport?) I have enjoyed reading your persuasive pieces of writing on this.During WWII persuasive writing was actually one of the most important weapon the Government used to help defeat Germany. This was in the form of propaganda.
Task 1 – li about propaganda as a persuasive text
Watch the following clip to help you learn about what was propaganda and how/why the Government used it.
Now complete the analysing a propaganda poster task. They are chilli challenged therefore chose the one most suitable.
Task 2 – Li – identify the purpose of the propaganda
There were many different propaganda posters used for varying reasons. Watch the powerpoint to look at different propaganda posters used in WWII
Now complete task 2, describing specific posters and what the purpose of these posters were.
Task 3 li – to use persuasive features of propaganda
Use the knowledge you have gained from Task 1 and 2 to create your own propaganda for use during WWII. Use the propaganda check list in files to check you have met the criteria.
What purpose would propaganda be used in the world today? You could create a propaganda poster which is about something happening in the world now.
I will include a new daily writing task as usual 😊
Remember to always to be the best version of yourself!
Miss C